Community Law in Charlotte NC
In a city where rents are rapidly rising and wages for most essential workers remain stagnant, lawyers must work for the interests of those who historically have not had a voice. The Queen City Community Law Firm provides affordable high-quality representation for Charlotteans (and non-Charlotteans) who face eviction, foreclosure, wage theft, housing discrimination, employment discrimination, and fraudulent business practices. In addition to individual representation, we provide capacity building and organizational development services for community groups, neighborhood-based groups, unions (of all sorts) and activist organizations. The Queen City Community Law Firm is dedicated to transforming Charlotte into an equitable city that works for everyone. We are a law firm that serves the people.
About Ismaail Qaiyim

Ismaail Qaiyim is the principal attorney at the Queen City Community Law Firm. His commitment to providing high quality legal services to Charlotte’s underserved populations stems from his own experiences growing up in West Charlotte. His unique background as a community organizer, policy researcher, and freelance writer adds depth and clarity to his work as a Community-based attorney.
The Federal CDC Eviction Moratorium is no longer in effect. If you’d like to learn more about this please contact us for a free consultation.